Shutdown planning and scheduling creates its own set of challenges and typically has lots of moving parts. Shutdowns and maintenance events can vary enormously, depending on sector and size of the site, with some large-scale projects having leads times of up to three or more years.
In companies that operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the cost of downtime can be exponential. It’s critical that those shutdowns take place with the maximum amount of preparation and minimum level of disruption.
While there can also be unforeseen issues and additional costs for projects, at SFI Australia we strive for Zero Downtime with minimal disruption, so you can get back to business safely and as soon as possible.
When the site or plant shutdown is completed, it should be able to return to full operational capacity (or even increased capacity) reliably and safely, with total operational control. There’s little doubt that every company wants their shutdown to run seamlessly so they can get back to business sooner. However, planning and executing a smooth shutdown and resumption of business can, at times, be difficult to achieve. That’s why we partner with you and support your shutdown and maintenance event or construction project with Monitor.
Monitor enables management to make more informed choices on planning and scheduling, and allows them to be proactive on courses of action where needed.
The ability to streamline processes and improve operational success on often tight deadlines is becoming the new normal for Shutdowns and major construction projects. Add to this the ever-evolving COVID-19 situation, we find ourselves needing to minimise risk at every touch point. Quite literally.
Previously hidden issues can also appear during shutdowns and turnarounds and resolving these can add to the cost and time of the exercise. The SFI Monitor Logistics Management System puts you in control – allowing more oversight with security of supply, compliance and commercial control.
To find out how Monitor can help your project, download our resource guide below.

Transform how you monitor, track and manage your inventory.
Learn how to create a safer, more efficient construction project or shutdown event by utilising Monitor.